A Brief Introduction

In my random travels, I often carry a 6" plastic action figure and take pictures of him. Bongo, as I call him, is a gorrilla with a green backpack and a spring-propelled grapnel launched from his left wrist. He is one of the Rescue Heroes made by Fischer Price. The name on the box said Swinger, but I call him Bongo nonetheless.

Perhaps his full name is Bongo Swinger.

Swinger is not featured on the Fischer Price Rescue Heroes website.
Perhaps he has been discontinued.

In any case, he is durable, pose able, portable and much more reliable than the lawn gnome of urban legend. Unlike the lawn gnome, he is not stolen or borrowed. I purchased him, many years ago, for my son, who has outgrown such toys. So now I play with him.

I post the pictures here, along with whatever background information I feel appropriate.

This is the second version of this blog. The original was based on an e-mail that no longer exists, and I can no longer edit it.

I have linked to it here - and on the link list

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The General Crook Trail

The General George Crook National Recreation Trail (which I refer to hereafter as the GCT) runs, in theory, from Fort Prescott (which is actually near Camp Verde, AZ), up and along the Mogollon Rim, to Fort Whipple in the eastern part of the state.

My children (age 10 and 8) hiked sixteen miles of this trail this summer, and Bongo came with us, naturally.

The chevrons mark the trail. The originals were carved into tree bark, but the fine volunteers who re-marked the trail nail these little metal ones everywhere.

I have an assigned article on this adventure, so only basic details until I have my check for First North American Electronic Rights.

These Bongo pix, however, wont appear in the publication.

That's the campsite for the first night, when it was just the three of us alone in the wilderness. The tent cost about $30 from that legendary outfitter: Target. I managed to strip it down to about 7 pounds, and it worked out fine.

Later (and in futre posts) we met some friend at Knoll Lake Campground, and things became more civilized - for good or for ill.

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